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Better Sleep

Achieve better sleep, improve moods and health. Lack of sleep results in an irritable mood and affects behavior. Depression is also more likely with a lack of sleep. Most adults need around eight hours of sleep a night, children need more.

better sleep
Deep sleep is when hormones are released in the body. These hormones fuel growth in children and repair cells and build muscle mass in adults and children.

Wake up refreshed by evaluating sleep conditions. Many people are not getting the quality and quantity of sleep they need.

Take a look at a few better sleeping tips to make improvements:
  • Don't drink a lot of fluid right before bed. Too much fluid before bed will result in trips to the bathroom during the night.
  • Don't eat a large amount of food right before bed. Digestion problems can interfere with deep sleep.
  • Exercise regularly, but not right before bed. The body takes a while to slow down and relax.
  • Darken the room. Sometimes even a tiny light on an electronic device can be an annoyance. Wear a sleeping eye mask or tape over any LED lights that might cause irritation.
  • Keeping the temperature cool in the bedroom can aid in sleep. Just a degree or two might be all it takes.
  • Maintain a regular bedtime schedule. Don't take naps after 3 p.m. Go to bed the same time on the weekends as well as weekdays.
  • Avoid alcohol and drinks with caffeine, as well as nicotine in the evening. These are stimulants which can keep people awake, and as the nicotine wears off smokers will experience withdrawal symptoms.
  • Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillow. Support and comfort are the main points of a good mattress. Bad mattresses hinder good sleep. The life expectancy for a mattress is around 10 years for good quality brands.
  • Some people need low background noise, like the gentle sound of a fan, to cover other environmental noises to fall asleep. Other people might need absolute silence.
  • See a physician if sleep problems persist.

Sleep Disorders

Some people are in bed the recommended amount of time and still have problems sleeping. Common sleep disorders are sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy and insomnia.

Doctors are able to diagnose sleep disorders, sometimes through the use of a sleep lab, and provide a treatment to give relief.

Better Sleep

Spend some time to consider current sleep habits and develop a plan to make a change for the better. Better sleeping can be achieved, and the benefits will be worth it.

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