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Showing posts from May, 2013

Beating Asthma

Asthma partially obstructs the bronchial tubes, making your breathing difficult. The real cause of asthma is still not known. But if you are an asthma sufferer, through natural means, you can significantly reduce the number of asthma attacks you get. A placebo study has shown that asthmatics who consume 1 gram of vitamin C per day had 4 times fewer attacks. When they stopped taking vitamin C, the attacks resumed with the same regularity as before. Magnesium also works efficiently. According to a study on thirty children suffering from asthma associated with allergies, twenty of them drank a daily quantity of mineral water rich in magnesium , while the others received no magnesium supplement. After three months, the first group had a higher level of magnesium in their blood, and they were able to breathe more easily. So taking vitamin C and magnesium is an excellent way to prevent asthma attacks. To breathe more easily during an attack, simply drink 2 or 3 cups of strong c

Avoid White Sugar and Fructose

White refined sugar is the primary cause of degenerative disease in our contemporary society. Sugar taken every day in processed foods produces a constantly over-acidic condition in your body, requiring more and more vitamins and minerals from deep in your body attempting to correct the equilibrium. After years of having this continual, over-acidic condition, as well as vitamin/ mineral depletion, it is highly improbable that some form of degenerative disease will not present itself. During the process of permanent sugar consumption , especially with today’s processed foods, excess sugar is stored in the liver in the form of glucose until the complete capacity of the liver to do so is reached. During this process, the liver becomes rather enlarged, and excess glucose is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids , which are stored in the dormant muscular areas of the body. This is everywhere that people gain weight (stomach, buttocks, breasts, thighs, etc). When t

Why Do We Need Pyridoxine?

According to the several researches we need pyridoxine as a coenzyme in the transamination process, for the decarboxylation and recemization of amino acids , and as the indispensable coenzyme for glycogen phosphorylase. We need pyridoxine to turn the proteins you eat into the proteins our body needs and we need it to convert carbohydrates from the form you accumulate them in into the form you can use for energy. What sort of proteins does our body need? For starters, hemoglobin—the element that carries oxygen in your red blood cells. Pyridoxine is needed to make lots of other proteins including hormones, neurotransmitters, and enzymes. You also need it to make prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that regulate things like your blood pressure. Pyridoxine is essential for converting the foods you eat into carbohydrates or fat your body can store—and for the stored forms into forms you can use when you need extra energy. Normal amounts of pyridoxine keep your body working norm

Healing Properties of Fruits: Raspberry

Raspberries have neutral thermal nature, they have asweet-and-sour flavor. These berries are beneficial liver and kidneys. A raps enriches and cleanses the blood of toxins ; regulates the menstrual cycle; controls urinary functions; treats anemia , as well as excessive and frequent urination, especially at night. These berries can be used to induce and promote labor at childbirth. Raspberry leaf , a widely accessible herb, strengthens the uterus, checks excessive menstrual flow, and restrains bleeding in general; it is of exceptional advantage for tonifying the uterus and supporting optimum hormonal patterns for the period of pregnancy. The dried unripe raspberry fruit, a prominent, slightly warming. Chinese herb (Rubus chingii) is considered beneficial to the kidneys through its astringent action. It controls unnecessary and frequent urination like ripe raspberry, but more effectively; it also astringes the essence and thereby treats impotence , involuntary seminal emissio

Methods to Avoid Catching Colds

As much as possible, avoid coming into close contact with infected persons, especially if they cough or sneeze. A person with a cold is very contagious: a person fills the air with fine particles of saliva or mucous which transport the virus microbe . Even if the person is cautious to wipe his nose with tissue or a handkerchief, the microbes will be transported to his hands. And studies have shown that these viruses are transmitted through hand contact. So if you have to shake hands with somebody who has a cold, you would better wash soon after It is useless to take antibiotics: they have no effect on viruses. However, there are certain substances found in alcohol which help decongest sinuses, that is why a good hot toddy can work wonders. But take care of your liver: a toddy is just as good with a little rum as with a lot. You don’t have to get drunk to get better. You don’t even have to drink it - just sniff some strong alcohol like cognac or brandy and breathe in the

Refined Foods and Diseases

What is eating refined? White refined flour based foods make me question the definition of refined! These modern foods are just too damaging for our health. Refining flour was a process used to prolong shelf life as even bugs won’t eat it! Bugs need nutrition just as we do. It is our main goal to customize our nutrition , choose the right food and avoid refined products as often as possible. Here is a list of diseases closely associated with the consumption of refined foods: Heart disease Strokes Colon cancer Appendicitis Diverticulitis Chronic constipation Hemorrhoids Varicose veins Clots in veins Hiatus hernia Gallstones Peptic ulcer Obesity

Aging Process and the B Vitamins

It is a fact that elder peopl e start to get a little forgetful and confused and many times even depressed. It is not necessarily normal for old people. There are lots of medical troubles that can make an elderly person seem senile, but bad nutrition can also play a big role—particularly for someone who falls into the risk categories. Studies show that many elderly people are low in B vitamins , particularly cobalamin. Part of the reason is that you just don't absorb as many B's from your food as you grow older. Because some of the B's aren't absorbed all that well in the first place, older people can simply start to be deficient. Then the deficiency makes them a little depressed , so they eat less and get even fewer B's, which makes them more forgetful, confused, and depressed and they end up in a nursing home. The food there might not help—institutional food often has most of its vitamins processed or cooked away. Researches show that a large number o