White refined sugar is the primary cause of degenerative disease in our contemporary society. Sugar taken every day in processed foods produces a constantly over-acidic condition in your body, requiring more and more vitamins and minerals from deep in your body attempting to correct the equilibrium.
After years of having this continual, over-acidic condition, as well as vitamin/ mineral depletion, it is highly improbable that some form of degenerative disease will not present itself. During the process of permanent sugar consumption, especially with today’s processed foods, excess sugar is stored in the liver in the form of glucose until the complete capacity of the liver to do so is reached.
During this process, the liver becomes rather enlarged, and excess glucose is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids, which are stored in the dormant muscular areas of the body. This is everywhere that people gain weight (stomach, buttocks, breasts, thighs, etc).
When these areas have been filled to capacity, the fatty acids are then sent to organs (heart, kidneys, etc), which causes them to start a procedure of degeneration. Abnormal blood pressure begins to occur, the brain functions are affected, the structural value of the cellular structures within the blood decline, an overabundance of white cells occurs, formation of new tissue declines, and the immune system is affected.