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Beating Asthma

Asthma partially obstructs the bronchial tubes, making your breathing difficult. The real cause of asthma is still not known. But if you are an asthma sufferer, through natural means, you can significantly reduce the number of asthma attacks you get. A placebo study has shown that asthmatics who consume 1 gram of vitamin C per day had 4 times fewer attacks. When they stopped taking vitamin C, the attacks resumed with the same regularity as before. Magnesium also works efficiently. According to a study on thirty children suffering from asthma associated with allergies, twenty of them drank a daily quantity of mineral water rich in magnesium , while the others received no magnesium supplement. After three months, the first group had a higher level of magnesium in their blood, and they were able to breathe more easily. So taking vitamin C and magnesium is an excellent way to prevent asthma attacks. To breathe more easily during an attack, simply drink 2 or 3 cups of strong c

Avoid White Sugar and Fructose

White refined sugar is the primary cause of degenerative disease in our contemporary society. Sugar taken every day in processed foods produces a constantly over-acidic condition in your body, requiring more and more vitamins and minerals from deep in your body attempting to correct the equilibrium. After years of having this continual, over-acidic condition, as well as vitamin/ mineral depletion, it is highly improbable that some form of degenerative disease will not present itself. During the process of permanent sugar consumption , especially with today’s processed foods, excess sugar is stored in the liver in the form of glucose until the complete capacity of the liver to do so is reached. During this process, the liver becomes rather enlarged, and excess glucose is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids , which are stored in the dormant muscular areas of the body. This is everywhere that people gain weight (stomach, buttocks, breasts, thighs, etc). When t

Why Do We Need Pyridoxine?

According to the several researches we need pyridoxine as a coenzyme in the transamination process, for the decarboxylation and recemization of amino acids , and as the indispensable coenzyme for glycogen phosphorylase. We need pyridoxine to turn the proteins you eat into the proteins our body needs and we need it to convert carbohydrates from the form you accumulate them in into the form you can use for energy. What sort of proteins does our body need? For starters, hemoglobin—the element that carries oxygen in your red blood cells. Pyridoxine is needed to make lots of other proteins including hormones, neurotransmitters, and enzymes. You also need it to make prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that regulate things like your blood pressure. Pyridoxine is essential for converting the foods you eat into carbohydrates or fat your body can store—and for the stored forms into forms you can use when you need extra energy. Normal amounts of pyridoxine keep your body working norm

Healing Properties of Fruits: Raspberry

Raspberries have neutral thermal nature, they have asweet-and-sour flavor. These berries are beneficial liver and kidneys. A raps enriches and cleanses the blood of toxins ; regulates the menstrual cycle; controls urinary functions; treats anemia , as well as excessive and frequent urination, especially at night. These berries can be used to induce and promote labor at childbirth. Raspberry leaf , a widely accessible herb, strengthens the uterus, checks excessive menstrual flow, and restrains bleeding in general; it is of exceptional advantage for tonifying the uterus and supporting optimum hormonal patterns for the period of pregnancy. The dried unripe raspberry fruit, a prominent, slightly warming. Chinese herb (Rubus chingii) is considered beneficial to the kidneys through its astringent action. It controls unnecessary and frequent urination like ripe raspberry, but more effectively; it also astringes the essence and thereby treats impotence , involuntary seminal emissio

Methods to Avoid Catching Colds

As much as possible, avoid coming into close contact with infected persons, especially if they cough or sneeze. A person with a cold is very contagious: a person fills the air with fine particles of saliva or mucous which transport the virus microbe . Even if the person is cautious to wipe his nose with tissue or a handkerchief, the microbes will be transported to his hands. And studies have shown that these viruses are transmitted through hand contact. So if you have to shake hands with somebody who has a cold, you would better wash soon after It is useless to take antibiotics: they have no effect on viruses. However, there are certain substances found in alcohol which help decongest sinuses, that is why a good hot toddy can work wonders. But take care of your liver: a toddy is just as good with a little rum as with a lot. You don’t have to get drunk to get better. You don’t even have to drink it - just sniff some strong alcohol like cognac or brandy and breathe in the

Refined Foods and Diseases

What is eating refined? White refined flour based foods make me question the definition of refined! These modern foods are just too damaging for our health. Refining flour was a process used to prolong shelf life as even bugs won’t eat it! Bugs need nutrition just as we do. It is our main goal to customize our nutrition , choose the right food and avoid refined products as often as possible. Here is a list of diseases closely associated with the consumption of refined foods: Heart disease Strokes Colon cancer Appendicitis Diverticulitis Chronic constipation Hemorrhoids Varicose veins Clots in veins Hiatus hernia Gallstones Peptic ulcer Obesity

Aging Process and the B Vitamins

It is a fact that elder peopl e start to get a little forgetful and confused and many times even depressed. It is not necessarily normal for old people. There are lots of medical troubles that can make an elderly person seem senile, but bad nutrition can also play a big role—particularly for someone who falls into the risk categories. Studies show that many elderly people are low in B vitamins , particularly cobalamin. Part of the reason is that you just don't absorb as many B's from your food as you grow older. Because some of the B's aren't absorbed all that well in the first place, older people can simply start to be deficient. Then the deficiency makes them a little depressed , so they eat less and get even fewer B's, which makes them more forgetful, confused, and depressed and they end up in a nursing home. The food there might not help—institutional food often has most of its vitamins processed or cooked away. Researches show that a large number o

Healing Properties of Fruits: Strawberry

Strawberries have cooling thermal nature, sweet-and-sour flavor. These berries are beneficial for the spleen-pancreas and improve appetite. They moisten the lungs and generate body fluids. Strawberries are used for thirst, sore throat, and hoarseness. Eat before meals to treat poor digestion accompanied by abdominal pain and swelling. They relieve urinary difficulties including painful urination and inability to urinate. Very rich in silicon and vitamin C : useful for arterial and all connective tissue repairs. To strengthen the teeth and gums and help get rid of tartar , cut a strawberry in half and rub onto the teeth and gums; leave on 45 minutes and rinse with warm water. One of the first fruits to emerge in the spring, strawberries are good for spring cleansing and body detox. Allergic reactions to strawberries are often caused by berries that are not vine-ripened.

How To Stop the Heartburn

Heartburn typically results from excess acidity in the stomach or from improper operation of your digestive system. At the point where the esophagus and stomach join, a special muscle opens and closes the esophagus. When we swallow food this muscle relaxes to let the food pass into the stomach and after that it closes again. But it can happen that the muscle malfunctions. The components of the stomach then rise again up the esophagus, irritating the area. And this results in the infamous feeling of heartburn. In order to stop it avoid acidic foods (lemons, etc.), alcohol, fat or fried food, food that is overcooked, coffee, juice, tomato base products and chocolate. But don’t deny yourself too much. You have to notice which foods bring on heartburn and avoid them. Also, don’t go to sleep right after the meal and don’t smoke, especially after meals.

Recipes for Muscles: Roast Beef

Ingredients: One beef roast 3 pounds Bay leaves , sea salt, ground black pepper Coconut oil 6 cloves of garlic How to Make: Cut gashes in roast and insert garlic slices and bay leaves. Brush the meat with coconut oil and season. Place roast in oven at 350 degrees and cook. Serve 4 ounce servings. Slightly under cook as when you reheat meat will get over cooked otherwise. 

Spot Reduction

Spot reduction is the term that is used to explain the process of losing fat in a focused area on the body. The lower back and rear of the thighs are two of the most troubled areas that spot reduction is usually attempted for. It is important to know that a total spot reduction is nor possible. Fat is a source of energy that is stored according to genetics, hormones, sex, body fat levels and age. These factors establish where you will deposit fat stores and how easily. These factors also determine where you will burn off the fat and how much effort it will take not any mythical formula for spot reduction. This is why men and women have different fat deposit patterns. Typically men tend to store more fat around the waist and women on the lower thighs. When body fat percentage levels are dropped it is as a result of your body as a whole needs energy. Exercising a certain body part does not burn fat in the area being exercised but rather uses the most proficient means your

Melatonin and Sleep

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland and has an significant role in circadian rhythms. The daily rhythm of melatonin secretion is controlled by a built-in, free-running pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nucleus , and is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan. Melatonin synthesis is controlled by contact with cycles of light and dark, and occurs independently of sleep. Melatonin promotes sleep and its secretion increases when takes place the onset of darkness, helping to keep us asleep at night. Melatonin production usually peaks between midnight and 2am, then starts to fall and is low during the day. It also helps decrease core body temperature , which helps induce sleep. However, sleep is possible even when melatonin levels are low. People who have their pineal gland removed have only negligible disruption in sleep. Laboratory experiments have shown that melatonin has antioxidant effects and suppresses the growth of some cancer cells . Laboratory researche

Healing Properties of Fruits: Persimmon

Permisson has very cooling thermal nature, a sweet flavor. It has the properties to cools heat, especially lung heat, it builds body fluids , moistens the lungs and resolves phlegm,tonifies the spleen-pancreas; soothes mucous membranes in the digestive tract to relieve gastrointestinal inflammations; treats common hot and dry conditions such as often occur in thirst, canker sores, and chronic bronchitis. The unripe persimmon has an astringent taste that makes the lips pucker from its tannic acid content; as persimmon ripens, the tannic acid is converted until none is left in the fully ripe state. The astringent property of partially ripe persimmon is desirable in treating these conditions: diarrhea, dysentery, hypertension, and spitting up, coughing up, or vomiting blood.

Treating Insect Bites

You don’t have to sit back and just passively put up with insects, particularly those that like to bite like mosquitoes or wasps. Eat asparagus and your sweat will expand an odor that repels insects. Or apply a piece of lemon oil to your skin.If you are bitten, there are natural substances to soothe the irritation. Aloe vera has astonishing powers of soothing skin disorders. It is available in forms for both internal and external application in most health and beauty stores. If you have one of these remarkable plants growing at home, cut the tip off one of the leaves. Put the pulp and juice to the itching or swollen area. Lightly boiled cabbage or leek makes an excellent analgesic poultice. Of course, if you are hiking in the woods, you might have a little problem finding cabbage. Plantain is another plant that also works well. Cut it and rub it to get to the juice then apply it to the harmed area.

Adjust Your Training Weights

We all know that heavier weight means bigger muscles. But many times it is not true. This only works as long as you are working the intended muscles. This most common delusion is caused by what training with the heaviest weights possible really means. It does not mean the heaviest weight you can move throughout the exercise sloppily at any cost. It means the heaviest weight you can move with the intended muscle group with slow deliberate exercise. Heavier weight increases the chances of damage as well. So train with the heaviest weights you can but imagine your worst critic is present watching you. Make sure this critic won’t have not one irritating comment to you when you are at the end your set. Train so that you have no doubt in your mind there is not one surrender in your form as a result of using too heavy of weights.

Recipes for Muscles: Spinach Eggs

Ingredients: 1 cup chopped spinach One portion eggs ( 2- 5) Nutmeg to taste 1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese Butter How to Make: Place spinach in a microwaveable dish. Beat eggs together and pour on top of spinach. Sprinkle cheese and nutmeg on top. Check your microwave to see how long to cook eggs and microwave until eggs are done.

Healing Properties of Fruits: Peach

Peaches have cooling thermal nature, sweet-and-sour flavor. These fruits build body fluids; moisten the lungs and intestines. Peaches are used for dry cough and other dry conditions of the lungs, they relieves high blood pressure . The slightly sour quality of the peach is astringent and tends to bound perspiration while tightening tissues. For a "peaches and cream" complexion apply a poultice of blended fresh peach on the face, let dry, rinse, and pat dry. The kernel inside the peach pit strengthens blood circulation and is used to clear congealed blood, it appears in tumor formulas including those for uterine fibroids. Peach leaf taken as a tea destroys worms. The very soft nature of peach flesh makes it ideal for those with acute gastrointestinal inflammations and in this case it should be cooked and pureed.

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil comes from an annual herb (Sesamum indicum). The plant is a warm weather plant that grows from the tropics to warm temperate regions. The major producing countries are China, India, Sudan, and Mexico. The seed is 40 to 60 percent oil and is used directly for food when it is cold pressed. The oil is also recovered by mixed expeller and solvent extraction. Sesame paste is a famous food in the lands along the eastern Mediterranean. Sesame oil has very good oxidative constancy , which is thought to be related to sesamin or another unknown antioxidant in the native oil. When sesame oil is added to other oils for use in frying, the oxidative actions of the recipient oil are improved. The oil is pale yellow and without odor after refining, but also is sold in a darker version for use in Asian cooking. The fatty acid composition has some similarities to peanut oil in that the levels of oleic acid and linoleic acid are quite similar. Typical composition of sesame oil is

Treadmill Workout

Here is an example of 30-minute treadmill session for a full-body workout The heavy walk - Drop the treadmill to a slow speed. Walk for 60 seconds with a kettlebell or another weight overhead. Aim for 3 reps, with a minute’s jog between each. The arm-y run - Perform intervals of runs and dips. Set the treadmill to interval mode for 15 minutes. During the low intensity phases, grab the treadmill handles and do 5 dips then go back to the run. The power stride - Grab two dumbbells and set the treadmill to a power-walk with varied inclines for 9 minutes and do alternating biceps curls and overhead presses.

Loosing the Man Boobs

Losing away your man boobs doesn't come easy. It requires lots of hard work and an adequate special training regime . Forget about doing hundreds of press-ups, bench presses or crossovers. They're virtually useless when it comes to shifting the fat from your chest. And a few short cardio sessions each week isn't going to be enough, either. A full-body training program that includes both cardiovascular and resistance exercises will deliver better and quicker results. To lose the man boobs , eating right and exercising regularly needs to become a life habit. f your schedule does not have any holes, make some. Get out of bed earlier. Turn off the TV. Stop wasting time on social networks. Train hard, be consistent and the results will come. To the loss, aim for 40-45 minutes of high-intensity cardio at least three times a week and merge this with two or three bouts of resistance exercise , such as weight training or a body-weight circuit. Although exercises such as

Legs Training Importance

Powerful legs are the foundation of an imposing physique. Strong, defined legs give your body symmetry and show off your overall strength. Many times, among athletes and bodybuilders there is a phenomenon of “leg avoidance” in weight training . It may be because leg exercises are not always considered easy or fun and many people desire to focus on their upper body to have big arms and chest. But by neglecting the legs, you can actually slow your progress in other areas. Your body tends to want to increase proportionally. Train your legs hard and we know you’ll be surprised by the upper-body growth that is stimulated as a result. Another great thing about working legs is the fact that if you work them they will grow. That may sound obvious, but many people who make slower gains with their upper body find that getting their legs to develop is a quick process. Training legs with strength will also elevate your heart rate and allow you to burn fat more efficiently.

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients consist of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Contrary to common concept, each one is a necessary part of a healthy and successful diet regardless of your purposes. Some popular diets promote cutting either fats or carbohydrates out of one’s diet. At best, this only benefits you in the short term, since these diets are nearly impossible to follow permanently. Each macronutrient plays a vital role in our health and well-being, and excluding any one of them will cause you to feel unfulfilled and tired. Whether we are trying to shed body fat and gain lean muscle mass or just trying to bulk up, our purposes are best met by eating a fair share of each of the macronutrients. Daily, we should aim to consume 1 - 1.5 grams of protein per pound of ideal bodyweight , with the rest of our calories coming from an even divide of good carbs and fats.

Healing Properties of Fruits: Orange

Oranges have cooling thermal nature. This is a fruit with sweet-and-sour flavor, it is general tonic for weak digestion and poor appetite, oranges regenerate body fluids ; helps cool and moisten those who are dry and over heated from disease processes, physical activity, or hot weather. Oranges have been precious for inflammatory, highly acidic diseases such as arthritis ; they also help lower high fever; their vitamin C/ and bioflavonoid content advantages for those with weak gums and teeth. The peel has gi-stimulating, digestive, and mucus resolving actions similar to grapefruit peel above. The inner white lining, placed directly on the eyelids, helps to dissolve eye cysts. Tangerines make a good substitute for commercial oranges because they have many of the same properties but are sprayed less with chemicals.

Post Workout Carbohydrates

Consuming food immediately after training, no longer than forty five minutes, the right type of nutrients has an massive impact on gaining lean muscular weight. Right after intense weight training, muscle cells are starving for replenishment. The prime fuel source for anaerobic activity is glycogen and after serious weight training studies have shown a nutrient partitioning action takes place. Starving muscle cells suck up glycogen like a sponge loading and making it in much greater quantities than usual. Take advantage of this by drinking a liquid source of simple carbohydrates like a pop or a carbohydrate drink. This is an exceptional time to satisfy your cravings for simple sugars and actually benefit from it. Your bodies’ insulin response to eating the simple sugars will divide the simple sugars very efficiently into the muscle cells instead of fat cells when over eating carbohydrates. You can not only get away with eating more, it is helpful for muscle growth to do so.


Lard is the rendered fat from the pig (Sus scrofa). There are numerous parts of the world where lard has been a major food fat during centuries. One of these countries is China, or parts of Europe, and until recent times the United States. Lard has been a popular fat for pastry and for frying potato chips. In the America it can still be found in these foods in spite of the inappropriate consumer activist pressure to change it with partially hydrogenated vegetable shortenings. Lard can be either a firm fat or a soft fat depending on what the pig is fed. Lard is more or less the corresponding of tallow in its usage, except that is has more unsaturated and can become rancid if not handled properly. Usually it is about 40 percent saturated, 50 percent monounsaturated, and 10 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids . This fat should be considered as a monounsaturated fat. Lard has between 2 and 3 percent palmitoleic acid, which as noted above possesses antimicrobial capacities.

Fat-Burning Foods: Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an important and efficient product when it comes to weight loss . Here are some options on how on you can use it in your meals: For Breakfast: Cinnamon toast Stick 2 slices of whole wheat bread in the toaster. While you wait for the bread to pop up, mash a banana with 1/2 tsp of ground cinnamon. Spread the melted banana over the toasted bread. Your day just begun and you’re already trimming down your tummy. For Lunch: Sweet potato soup Fry a chopped onion and garlic in oil; stir in 1/2 tsp cinnamon and a pinch of chilli and ground ginger. Add 200g sweet potatoes and cook for 3 minutes. Pour in 100ml each of chicken stock and coconut milk; simmer for 8 minutes, then blend and have a healthy and delicious lunch. F or Dinner: Moroccan baked chicken Brown 2 chicken thighs in oil. Then chop half an onion and carrot, and fry with 1 tsp each of cinnamon, paprika, cumin, garlic and ginger. Stick in 100g brown rice and put in a casserole dish with the chicken, a tin o

Cortisol and Carbohydrates Consumption

One of the main hormones that control important processes in human body is cortisol . This is quite catabolic agent as some of its amino acids may come from muscle tissue. It is crucial that one consumes carbohydrates before exercise for several reasons: Dietary carbohydrates will assure persons with fuel for the anaerobic pathway, and spare muscle tissue from being converted to glucose for fuel. Dietary carbohydrates will cause the discharge of insulin, which blocks the release of cortisol from the pancreas. Dietary carbohydrates will increase muscle glycogen levels which will a dvance performance and reduce fatigue. Persons should consume 35% of their total daily carbohydrates in a meal 1.5 to 2 hours before their workout as this will allow the carbohydrates sufficient time to be digested and enter the bloodstream. It is also suggested consuming a shake composed of 30-40g of whey protein along with dextrose or maltodextrin during the workout. The carbohydrate

How Much Proteins to Eat Per Meal?

To calculate the amount of protein you need per meal you have to simply split your daily requirements by the amount of meals you are consuming with protein that day. The minimal amount of protein meals recommended for supporting an explosive growth spurt is Four. When eating only four meals, the protein portion has a high risk of going to waste if they are above 50 grams per meal. This is the highest recommended per serving. Eating any more protein at one sitting will most likely not be digested completely. An absolute least amount of protein is 25 grams per meal. This way even a woman or a smaller framed male can get in the magical 2.5 grams protein per pound of lean muscle without having to consume an unreasonable number of times.

Healing Properties of Fruits: Mulberry

Mulberries have cooling thermal nature, sweet flavor. They have the property to build the fluids and blood; moistens the lungs and gastrointestinal tract ; strengthens the liver and kidneys; treats wind conditions, including vertigo and paralysis. They are useful for blood deficiency signs such as anemia , prematurely gray hair , irritability, insomnia, and constipation from fluid dryness; also is used in treating stomach ulcers, diabetes, dry cough, ringing in the ears, and poor joint mobility. At one time in the West, mulberries were highly appreciated for the general tonic for the whole system, which corresponds to some degree with the Chinese view of their tonic action on the kidneys, liver, and blood.

Corn Oil

Corn oil comes from the whole corn (Zea mays L.), an annual herbaceous plant which is native to Central America. The oil makes up about 5 percent of the whole corn. Corn can be either wet milled to produce corn starch , corn sweeteners, and corn oil, or it can be dry milled to produce grits, flakes, meal, and oil. The crude corn oil that is obtained from the corn germ is supplementary refined by deodorization and removal of free fatty acids. It is yellow in color with a mild but usually individual odor. Refined corn oil is used as a salad and cooking oil or in making margarine. The refined oil has good flavor constancy, and it resists rancidity quite well even though it is highly unsaturated. Almost half of the world's corn oil is produced in the U.S., corn oil ranks above all domestically produced oils except soybean oil. Corn oil has been promoted as a food oil for at least 75 years in the U.S. A typical fatty acid composition for corn oil is 12 percent palmitic acid,

Eat to Boost Your Energy (Part 2)

Marmite (yeast extract) is a rich source of the B vitamins that are required to release energy from food. It's also high in salt, and this is why you must limit its consumption.. You can also get B vitamins from meat, fish, eggs, whole grains, beans and lentils. Avocado: Fat is more calorie-dense than either carbohydrates or protein, which makes it the strongest energy source. The flip side is that too much fat can make you pile on the flab, and eating the wrong kinds of fat (saturated and trans fats) furs up your arteries. Avocados are rich in heart-healthy, artery-smoothing unsaturated fats, giving you the best of both worlds - energy, plus less risk of a heart attack. Bananas are power snacks for many of us. Pre-wrapped by the nature and ready to unzip, they're packed with natural sugars and starches, providing a combination of instant and slow release energy. They're also a great source of potassium, which helps keep your blood pressure in check. Kidney Be

Cucumber For Weight Loss

Cucumber is an important and efficient vegetable when it comes to weight loss . Here are some options on how on you can use it in your meals: For Breakfast: Blueberry and cucumber smoothie Refuel by chucking a chopped cucumber, a fist of berries, a few mint leaves, ice cubes and 350g natural yoghurt into a blender for a fast post-exercise shake. The yoghurt’s calcium is a powerful fat burner. F or Lunch:Feta Pitta breads Mix a sliced cucumber with 100g feta cheese, 1 tbsp natural yoghurt, 100g black olives, fresh mint and mixed seeds. Stuff it all into wholemeal pittas for a light lunch. The feta is a rich source of riboflavin which will fuel your workouts For Dinner Hot cucumber soup Scrape out the seeds, slice and fry the cucumber for 2 minutes. Add chopped spring onions, 500ml chicken stock and chilli powder to increase your metabolism. Simmer and serve with yogurt and fresh mint. For Side dish: Tzatziki Grab a grater and shred a whole cucumber. Mix with two handfu

Fat as a Factor for Satiety

It is already a known fact that that fat is digested slowly. This means there is a slow release of the fat molecules from the food, with a slower emptying of both the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine than there would be if no fat was present in the food. As a result of the presence of fat storage in the small intestine, special hormones are produced and they avoid the hunger contractions. This role of delaying the inception of hunger is thought to be helpful for dieters ; thus, a careful balance of fat in the diet becomes vital for someone trying to lose weight. Too much fat in the diet and the loss of weight is thwarted; too little and the hunger pangs play havoc with good intentions and frequently lead to overeating carbohydrates.

Green Tea for Weigth Loss

Giving up beer will help your lose weight and not just because of the high calories content. According to the Food Research Institute in Norwich, when we drink a skinful we feel an outpouring of insulin stimulated by the ethanol in beer. This causes hypoglycemia , a reduction of sugar in the blood, which stimulates the sense of hunger, leading to a desire for high-carb foods Try drinking green tea for a month. Its catechins (antioxidants) stimulate the body's metabolism. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition men who drank green tea daily had significantly smaller waist measurements than those in the control group. Four cups a day should see you benefit from the rub of the green tea.

Watery Vegs and Calories Dropping

Use in your meals vegetables that have a high water content. You can liquidate extra calories by eating vegetables high in H20. Several studies found that that when people ditched half the meat and rice in their meal for broccoli, they consumed 86 fewer calories and felt just as full. It means we can reduce our calorie intake without having to give up portion size. Study also showed that vegetables are satiating because they contain water, which bulks food up. For the wettest of the bunch, use red peppers, courgettes, cucumber, cauliflower and peppers – armbands optional.


Stevia rebaudiana, a small plant that grows in Latin America as well as in parts of the southwestern United States, is becoming much sought-after for its sweet leaves and flower buds. It has been used for a hundred years as a sweetener in South America and now has wide commercial rate in Japan, where it is put in everything from soft drinks to soy sauce. With thirty times the sweetness of sugar, yet with negligible calories , this herb is expected by Japanese researchers to be the main natural sweetener in the future. Because stevia is a whole herbal food, it contains other properties that nicely complement its sweetness. A report from the Hiroshima University School of Dentistry indicates that stevia actually restrains dental bacteria growth rather than feeding it as sugars do. Other studies have shown a beneficial ratio between stevia and the regulation of blood sugar levels . For instance, no signs of intolerance appeared in 24 cases of hypoglycemia. Similar results occur

The Use of Testosterone Gel

Thousands of middle-aged men use testosterone gels to increase blood testosterone levels. Hormone replacement therapy assists men in maintaining muscle and bone mass, improves mood, enhances metabolic health, prevents depression, and boosts sexual performance . Gels are often better than injections because they provide a more steady level of blood testosterone . A study from the Center for Sexual Function/Endocrinology in Massachusetts, showed that applying testosterone gel to the arms and shoulders stimulated the production of higher blood testosterone levels than rubbing the gel on the chest, abdomen, or legs. The study examined middle-aged men with low blood testosterone levels (less than 300 nanograms per 100 ml). Applying the gel to the arms and shoulders increased testosterone above 500 mg, which is within the usual range for adult men. Testosterone levels were 20 percent less after rubbing the gel on other places. This is extremely significant information for men who us

Stand Tall and Proud

If you sit at a desk for long periods every day you could be losing a crucial few inches from your possible height , as well as setting yourself up for more health problems in the future. The good news is that this can be simply rectified if you perform these exercises in the office as often as possible. Sorting out your posture is the first step to feeling and looking taller. Bad posture can shorten the spine by several inches. Poor posture can either be caused by structural problems in the middle back where the vertebrae are naturally wedge-shaped, or by functional limitation in the lower back with a rear-tilted pelvis rounding the shoulders significantly, especially when sitting. Here are two spine-lengthening exercises that will combat the effect of sitting still: Shoulders forward - Stretch the chest: stand in an open doorway and put both arms on the frame at shoulder height. Keeping the spine straight , step through the door with one foot, and stretch out the pec

Citrus Seed Extract

Citrus seed extract is an extremely potent natural antibiotic derived primarily from the seeds of grapefruit. This extract was developed after observing that citrus seeds do not readily decompose in nature from microbial action. Slightly warming in thermal nature and exceptionally bitter, citrus seed extract works in the body like most bitters, but more effectively for purposes of drying damp conditions in the body. This extract has been found to reduce members of several classes of microbes and parasites , among them: protozoa, amoebas, bacteria, viruses, and at least thirty different types of fungi, including the Candida yeast-like fungi. It is accessible as a major ingredient in liquid extracts, capsules, sprays, ointments, and a variety of other forms for treating a host of maladies. Among its more common internal utilizations are diarrhea (take daily while traveling to prevent "traveler's diarrhea"), allergies including hay fever, Candida overgrowth, giardia

The Essence of Cardio

Cardio is essentially any type of intense activity that increases the heart rate. Bodybuilding could be named as a form of cardio, but most lifters prefer to just think of it as “lifting” and not “cardio”. It’s easier to think of it in this sense than to try and distinguish between the two. A thing to remember is the word “intense” . Walking around the house is a light-form of cardio. Running around the house is a true form of cardio. It’s important to distinguish the difference so that you don’t think by walking outside to collect the mail you are performing intense cardio. Common examples could be running (indoors and outdoors), swimming, biking , as well as boxing. Boxing also helps to develop the shoulders and the lats and burn off calories. A common mistake bodybuilders make is performing cardio each and every day. Remember you should limit yourself to a maximum of 2 hours of intense cardio a week. Remember, when you are doing cardio you are converting muscle , as well

Eat to Boost Your Energy

Oats are one of nature's super foods . They're low on the Glycemic Index (GI) scale, which means they don't cause a fast sugar high and then a dip that makes you feel tired, plus healthy amounts of protein and fiber.Like other wholegrains they contain high levels of B vitamins, magnesium, selenium and iron which all are important for energy production. Nuts are high in energy - 50g/2oz of mixed nuts provides you with 300 calories of energy, and over half of that 50g is fat. But don’t worry about fat, because the fat is the heart-healthy unsaturated kind, and the mixture of ‘good' fats and protein in nuts means they're a low-GI, slow-burn food. Grab a packet of unsalted nuts instead of a Danish pastry as a snack. They contain about the same quantity of calories, but the nuts will keep going for longer. Dried fruits such as raisins and sultanas provide strong sweetness without the blood sugar spike-and-crash you get when you guzzle chocolate and sweets. All