Consuming food immediately after training, no longer than forty five minutes, the right type of nutrients has an massive impact on gaining lean muscular weight. Right after intense weight training, muscle cells are starving for replenishment. The prime fuel source for anaerobic activity is glycogen and after serious weight training studies have shown a nutrient partitioning action takes place. Starving muscle cells suck up glycogen like a sponge loading and making it in much greater quantities than usual. Take advantage of this by drinking a liquid source of simple carbohydrates like a pop or a carbohydrate drink. This is an exceptional time to satisfy your cravings for simple sugars and actually benefit from it.
Your bodies’ insulin response to eating the simple sugars will divide the simple sugars very efficiently into the muscle cells instead of fat cells when over eating carbohydrates. You can not only get away with eating more, it is helpful for muscle growth to do so.