Spot reduction is the term that is used to explain the process of losing fat in a focused area on the body. The lower back and rear of the thighs are two of the most troubled areas that spot reduction is usually attempted for. It is important to know that a total spot reduction is nor possible. Fat is a source of energy that is stored according to genetics, hormones, sex, body fat levels and age. These factors establish where you will deposit fat stores and how easily. These factors also determine where you will burn off the fat and how much effort it will take not any mythical formula for spot reduction. This is why men and women have different fat deposit patterns. Typically men tend to store more fat around the waist and women on the lower thighs.
When body fat percentage levels are dropped it is as a result of your body as a whole needs energy. Exercising a certain body part does not burn fat in the area being exercised but rather uses the most proficient means your body can supply for energy. If you have properly manipulated your diet and exercises routine, fat can be used for energy instead of glucose.
Sadly the rule of thumb is the most troubled fatty areas are the last to go. So if you are troubled with a cellulite on the back of your thighs you will most likely have to radically reduce your body fat levels to visibly affect the problem area.