Alcohol. The more blood alcohol contains, the lower is the level of testosterone. One of the most harmful drinks for men is beer. It contains phytoestrogens, which are female sex hormones. "Beer belly" - this is the first sign of female obesity.
Tobacco. Smoking leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, which can lead to a decrease in blood supply to the genitals.
Smoked products. Liquid smoke is a toxic lesion to the tissue of the testes - the glands that produce 95% of the testosterone in the body. The safest way is hot smoking, because the time of exposure to smoke on the product is minimal.
Carbonated drinks and sodas. Increased sugar content and caffeine can lead to dehydration.
Fat milk. It contains natural cow estrogen. Milk in large quantities is useful for children and women, but not so good for the level of testosterone in men.
Bakery products. Acid, sugar and yeast reduce the level of "male hormone". The exception is rye bread or bran, these types of bread contain vitamin B, necessary for a stable erection.
Fast Food. Such food has negative affects not only digestion, but also on the hormones.
Vegetable oil. Avoid excessive consumption of oils - not more than 5 tablespoons per day. Olive, peanut and sesame increases testosterone, but the corn and linseed decreases it.
Soy, legumes. They include plant analogs of female sex hormones - phytoestrogens. In small amounts of soy harmless, because contains complete protein. But as a complete replacement for meat it is not suitable , because it affects the production of male sex hormones.
Products with high cholesterol. The main source of cholesterol - animal fat and fat meat. Cholesterol is essential, as is a major component in the synthesis of testosterone, but the consumption in excess may cause harmful effects.
Caffeine, Soluble coffee. Caffeine destroys free testosterone in the body. Permissible dose - 1 cup of good natural per day.
Sugar. Provokes the production of insulin, which stops the production of testosterone.
Salt. Excess salt in the body can lead to an increased sodium content, which reduces the production of testosterone.