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Banana - Useful Postworkout Snack

It is a known fact that after a grueling workout glycogen stores in the muscles decrease. This is because the muscles get the required energy from glucose, which in turn is derived from glycogen. If you lose sight of the point of consumption of carbohydrates after a workout, then begin the process of disintegration of muscle cells, called catabolism. But the question is how to prevent the start of the process? Filling muscle cell glycogen happens faster after you eat foods rich in carbohydrates.

It is often considered that bananas can naturally recharge the body energy (glycogen) during and after exercise. They are rich in natural sugar, which if digested quickly gets into the blood. They are great to satisfy the hunger and provides our body with the necessary energy source needed after a hard workout. 100 grams of banana contain 90 calories. They contain a huge amount of vitamins. Bananas are considered a good source of potassium. Bananas contain tryptophan amino acid that is converted into serotonin and helps to relax the body (a fact that is very useful after training) and improve mood.

It is also important to know that dried bananas contain five times more calories than fresh ones, since they contain much less water. This fruit, unlike citrus, do not cause allergic reactions, which allows not to limit their consumption.

Conclusion: after a long and serious workout, our body needs replenishment of muscle glycogen, which is synthesized from sugars (glucose and fructose). The ideal source of these sugars are bananas. Their use after training will help athletes to prevent catabolism (the process of destruction of muscle cells).

Bananas can be used not only after exercise. They also help at work or in the road, when the body and muscles, in particular, requires energy. It's the perfect food for a snack. Eating 2-3 medium bananas, you can satisfy your hunger for an hour and a half.

Depending on the maturing stage of banana carbohydrate composition changes. Ripe banana with brown spots has a glycemic index of 55-65, ripe yellow has a glycemic index of about 50, and a slightly unripe banana with green edging has a glycemic index of 40-45.

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