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What is Involved in Rhinoplasty


Noses present with all kinds of bumps and humps that can cause emotional distress and anxiety. Rhinoplasty is the name given to the procedure to remodel a nose.

How is Rhinoplasty Performed

A closed rhinoplasty is done through incisions inside the nose. This method is suitable for adjusting or reducing the nose’s size and shape. In an open rhinoplasty, an incision is made across the strip of skin between the nostrils. This allows easier access for more extensive work.

Who will Benefit from Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is suitable for adults whose noses are fully grown and developed. It may also be performed on children who have sustained damage through an accident or who were born with a nasal defect.

What can Rhinoplasty Achieve

A successful rhinoplasty can change a person’s appearance, profile and mindset. Even a minor physical adjustment can have a major psychological effect.

What Rhinoplasty Cannot Do

Plastic surgeons have to work with the original nose and there are limits to what they can do. It is important to trust the surgeon who sees the whole picture of how the remodelled nose will fit into the face. Have realistic expectations and work with the experts.

What Form of Anesthesia is used

Most rhinoplastys are done under general anesthetic but minor remodelling can be done under local anesthesia. This is normally accompanied by sedation so the patient doesn’t remember much of the procedure.

What are the Steps of a Rhinoplasty

A typical rhinoplasty will follow these steps:
  • The surgeon makes small incisions inside the nose
  • The cartilage is reshaped and trimmed as necessary
  • In some cases, the nasal bones will be broken and repositioned
  • Tissue can be removed and cartilage and bone grafts introduced to build up areas as needed
  • The incisions are sutured closed
  • The nose is packed with gauze and taped to maintain its new shape and reduce swelling

Caring for the Nose after Rhinoplasty

It is important to rest after rhinoplasty. Avoid talking too much and lie still and relax. Don’t try and blow the nose and avoid bending and lifting.

Side Effects of Rhinoplasty

The most common effect is severe bruising and swelling around the eyes. This is more evident when the nasal bones have been broken.

How Long will Recovery Take

The nose will be swollen for about six weeks and it often takes a year for the final result to be seen. Areas of numbness are common as is a sensation of pins and needles. The bruising and discoloration take two to three weeks to subside and can be hidden to a certain extent with makeup.

A rhinoplasty can greatly improve the appearance of a nose and so give confidence to a person. It is essential that this type of surgery is fully understood and the limitations accepted before going ahead with it. With time and a positive outlook, rhinoplasty can transform a person’s life.

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